Friday, October 29, 2010

Sixth Grade Visits Drury Science Center

Mrs. Schaller's sixth graders were invited to tour the Drury Science center and to participate in some science demonstrations presented by Dr. Petrich's chemistry students. We watched CO2 change into a solid before our very eyes.
Dr. Petrich is a chemistry professor at Drury and really loves science. We had a great trip and it has caused some of us to consider careers in science, maybe even chemistry.
Thank you Dr. Petrich and students for your time and attention to our visit.. We had a great time.

Our Faces On Facebook

What a fun group at SLS. The Staff and faculty of SLS are working had to get the good news of SLS out to our community. We have a facebook page with regular postings. We change the pictures on our profile to reflect the different faces of SLS. Please friend us and join in the fun.
Last week SLS honored the 8th graders playing on our volleyball team. We introduced the girls and their parents at our last home game. These wonderful girls have worked very hard and our team has done very well. Coach Brand has high hopes for our girls. Our last competition will be at the Missouri Lutheran State Volleyball Tournament on the first weekend of November. BUMP SET SPIKE!!! Good luck in your final tournament.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kindergarten Chapel

Today's chapel was lead by Mrs. Swearingen and her kindergarten class. We continued our learning on this month's Fruit of the Spirit - Patience. The kindergarten class is so willing to share their love of singing. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

We are all under construction in the Lord's kingdom. He is so patience with us. We learn of patience as we seek to serve our risen Lord...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

PALS Skating Event 10-17

What could be more fun than skating with hundreds of your best friends. For some this was their very first trip to Skateland. This is a fellowship building event sponsored by PALS. Parents found lots of ways to support their younger skaters. Mrs. Wanner was taking care of our student teachers, Ms. Debra and Ms. Katherine.
We are so thankful for our big kids and little kids. What fun at SLS.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Walk-A-Thon 2010 - What A Day For A Walk!

On Thursday PALS, our parent organization, hosted the 2010 Walk-A-Thon. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful event. Out students love this opportunity to walk and raise funds for their school.
This 90 minute walk for students in kindergarten through 8th grade helps to raise funds for the PALS organization. PALS uses the money to support our school program and different school activities. Our little ones in Mrs. Shaw's and Mr. Gerdes' classes did a lap of support before they took their afternoon naps.
Students walk laps at their own speed. Water is provided to keep the walker hydrated. Classroom parents are stationed to punch a walker's ticket as they complete a lap.
First Grade walked the most laps with 327 in the 90 minutes provided. Top school walkers were Evan Petrich, Wade Korns and Luke Rebmann who each were able to complete 24 laps in the alloted time. Way To Go Students and Staff of SLS!